July 2016

Using text layers as expression editors in After Effects

Using text layers as expression editors in After Effects

You can use text layers in After Effects as expression editors which means, among other things that a whole lot of layers can use the same expression. This has some big advantages: expressions update as you type, which gives you instant feedback. You can see and edit your expression right in the composition viewer, without Continue reading Using text layers as expression editors in After Effects

Save-n-Zip: automagic backups for Lightwave3D

Save-n-Zip: automagic backups for Lightwave3D

Because of Lightwave’s rather broken undo system you need to save lots of incremental backups when you’re working on a scene. Mike Green kindly provides a script that makes a numbered backup of your file, so that your current copy keeps the same name. Drawing on his open source (yay!) script I’ve changed it so Continue reading Save-n-Zip: automagic backups for Lightwave3D

Stop-‘n-Go – an emergency stop button for expressions

Stop-‘n-Go – an emergency stop button for expressions

I was doing some rigging recently, when something went wrong and the whole rig exploded on me. ‘By cricketty’ I thunk to meself, ‘there should be a stop button for expressions like there is for my bandsaw’. Those things could take someone’s leg orf. So I got out my scripting iron, and clickety-clackety wrote this Continue reading Stop-‘n-Go – an emergency stop button for expressions