
Out of the wreckage: Autosave Restore.

Out of the wreckage: Autosave Restore.

After Effects never crashes or hangs ever, because computers are the best… …and it especially doesn’t crash when you haven’t saved for a really long while—that never happens. So when it does, you have to do the dance where you find the autosaved version, check dates, drag it out and then rename it. SO MUCH Continue reading Out of the wreckage: Autosave Restore.

A quick snippet for checking image sequences

A quick snippet for checking image sequences

Image sequences, love ’em. All those distributed renders and so on create hundreds of thousands of image files on my media drive, so it’s good to have a quick scrip for checking that a sequence has rendered completely without any gaps. Here’s one in Powershell. It tells you if any files are not in sequence Continue reading A quick snippet for checking image sequences

Using text layers as expression editors in After Effects

Using text layers as expression editors in After Effects

You can use text layers in After Effects as expression editors which means, among other things that a whole lot of layers can use the same expression. This has some big advantages: expressions update as you type, which gives you instant feedback. You can see and edit your expression right in the composition viewer, without Continue reading Using text layers as expression editors in After Effects